Course Summaries
Our courses run at various times in the year. For more information about specific dates and times please click on our 'Semester Dates Information' page.
To submit your enrollment in a course please select our Contact page
To submit your enrollment in a course please select our Contact page
TANYA - A TALE OF TWO SOULSThe Tanya is one of the most powerfully transformative books of Jewish wisdom. It was authored in 1797 by Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the founder of the Chabad-Lubavitch movement. In his book he sets forth the practical, spiritual and mystical fundamentals of the Chabad Philosophy. Our morning Tanya classes are designed to clarify and amplify the wisdom contained in this engaging volume. A main theme in Tanya is the ubiquitous "identity crisis": the dual personality each of us battles with as we struggle to unify our Judaism with the material world that surrounds us.
Educator: Rabbi Yehudah Hoch
In this area of Tanya we get a clear understanding of who we are and more importantly what we are capable of achieving. As Tanya explains our dichotomous soul is in constant conflict between an animalistic and spiritual drive. We learn what G-d expects from us and how to master our own instinct. Rabbi Hoch takes us on a journey of spiritual refinement as he delves into the chapters and elucidates the deeper meaning of the texts. Participants develop a thorough understanding of the concepts and are provided with the tools by which to apply them to everyday life. TANYA PART 2- SHAAR HAYICHUD V’HA-EMUNAH
We are always told to believe in G-d, but this is easier said than done. There is more to G-d than we can imagine. How is it possible to believe in something that is so beyond ourselves, in a G-d that has the smartest people in each generation racking their brains to find solid proof that He exists. In this component of Tanya we are introduced to one of the most fundamental concepts of Chabad philosophy. Shaar Hayichud V’ha-emunah, unlocks the gateway to your belief in G-d and provides an understanding of how the world continually receives G-dly energy. In this component of Tanya, we achieve a deeper understanding of G-d and learn to recognize His involvement in our everyday lives. |
The halachic portion of the curriculum is multidimensional.
This course is designed to ground students in the halachot necessary for everyday living. It broadens our concept of the relevance of halacha to various aspects of life, teaches us to think halachically, and give us a sense of the deep roots which underpin halacha and the halachic process. The learning of each mitzvah and its associating halachic boundaries will include the practical, relevant step-by-step process of how to perform mitzvos correctly. In this class students will cover a wide range of halachic topics including, Shabbos, Kashrus, living Jewish day to day, the laws of the Yomim Tovim and all the laws relevant for a Jewish woman. |
Orthodoxy is often portrayed as the leash holding back women from achieving their 'full potential’. We want it all, but how many of us have explored Judaism to find out how it already 'gives it all' to Women? Throughout the Torah, Jewish women are placed on a pedestal, represented as “Women of Valour”, as King Solomon wrote in his poem “Aishes Chayil”. This course will offer a Jewish perspective on how the titles 'Jewish mother' and 'Jewish wife' are not restrictive labels but titles of honour. Explore in intricate detail why women are held in high esteem in Judaism and why Judaism has always been at the forefront of female rights.
Educator: Miri Lipskier
Pirkei Avos (translated as Ethics of Our Fathers) is a tractate of the Mishnah (a part of the Oral Torah) which is completely devoted to Jewish morals, values and ethics. People all around the world recognize maxims such as “If I am only for myself, who am I? (1:14)” and “Say little and do much (1:15)”, but how many know it is from this historic Jewish source? This course delves into the timeless wisdom of Pirkei Avos as we explore ethical principles such as, how is it possible to judge every person favourably? If G-d wanted the people of Israel to be meritorious wouldn't less mitzvot be more achievable? Looking at various commentaries, the course covers an in depth analysis of the first chapter of Pirkei Avos, examining the connection between the concepts and the sages who delivered them. This is a practical subject where life lessons are extracted from the text to be applied personally.
Educator: Miriam Abenaim
Our world is full of questions, some of which are more important than their answers. The aim of this class is to open-mindedly analyse the participants’ questions on all aspects of life through the prism of Torah and its moral code. Questions are submitted anonymously and treated seriously, respectfully taking into account the motivations of the questioner, to best address the issues at hand. Ranging from questions such as 'why is there a division in the synagogue' to 'why do women cover their hair' this class will help to demystify issues you have always been too shy to ask about but always wanted an answer to!
Educator: Rabbi Ari Schachter
Chassidic psychologist and mediator, Kalman Rubin, guides the girls on a spiritual journey through the world of interpersonal relationships and the importance of marriage. Rubin draws on sources from psychology and Chassidus to provide a broad understanding. The material thereby creates a pathway to spiritual awakening for the girls. Rubin teaches students how to build successful interpersonal relationships, with an emphasis on healthy marital relations. Topics include but are not limited to; finding the right partner, the basics of marriage, communication in marriage, differences between men and women, problem solving, maintaining relationships and self-esteem in marriage. This provides the foundation for creating a safe and happy environment with a husband and family
Educator: Kalman Rubin
This course analyses the role of the Jewish Woman, her relationships and her ability to achieve in all aspects of her daily life with the help of G-d. Topics include femininity in Judaism as well as dating and marriage through the lens of the female experience. Discussion is shaped by the questions of the students, creating a highly practical and personal experience for all, and resulting in a more thorough understanding of what it is to be a woman. In this course, students will access Judaism’s secrets for a happily ever after.
Educator: Bracha Kantor
This course will provide students with a detailed overview of the weekly parsha (Torah portion). Each week, a Chassidic concept is expounded upon using topics from the weekly parsha. The teacher will explore how the timeless wisdom and lessons gleaned from the weekly Torah Parsha enrich and impact our daily lives using stories, anecdotes and drawing upon the personal experiences of the lecturer. In this course, explore how the ancient texts of the Torah are not so ancient - each story and word has a world of meaning and relevance to our lives.
Educator: Dr. Miriam Grossbaum
THE ORIGINS OF THE CHASSIDIC MOVEMENTBeginning with the birth of the Alter Rebbe and tracing the unique challenges and tribulations of the Chabad movement, this course will look at how a small and fledgling movement gained momentum and has become a dominant force in modern day Judaism. The concentration in Chabad history will allow students to explore the depth and breadth of the Chabad experience. As the students explore how Chabad evolved to what it is today, they will observe how their lives have consequently been impacted. This in-depth analysis makes Chabad history relevant and dynamic.
Educator: Nicole Kornhauser